Places to Stay

in Borger

nigh photo of outside of Best Western Inn

Best Western Inn

206 S. Cedar St
(806) 274-7050

Mesquite Hills RV Park image of mountainside

Mesquite Hills RV Park

500 Gravel Pit Rd
(806) 274-1170

outside image of hotel Holiday Inn Express at night

Holiday Inn Express

1351 W. Wilson St
(806) 274-3333

Borger Ambassador outside of hotel

Borger Ambassador Inn

900 E. 3rd St
(806) 273-6000

Hampton Inn outside image of hotel at night

Hampton Inn

1415 W. Wilson St
(806) 273-2494

Additional Lodging

Air BNB Listings:
Airbnb | Borger - Vacation Rentals & Places to Stay - Texas - Airbnb

Deluxe Inn & RV
1528 N. Main St
(806) 273-6494

Royal Inn
3403 W. Wilson St
(806) 273-9511

Heritage Inn
100 Bulldog Ln
(806) 273-9556